Changes to Charity Commission Online Portal
October 30, 2023
The Charity Commission has recently changed their systems and therefore all previous log-ins to their online portal will no longer work.In order to create a new log-in, one of the trustees for your charity must set up a new "My Charity Commission Account" here: Setting up "M...
Protecting Lone Workers
July 3, 2023
As an employer, it is vital to manage any health and safety risks before your employees can work alone. There will always be greater risks for lone workers without direct supervision, or anyone to help them if things go wrong.Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work...
NatWest Accelerator 2023
June 28, 2023
The NatWest Accelerator supports and empowers UK entrepreneurs to scale their businesses to the next level.If you're a business with ambitions to expand, the NatWest Accelerator programme could help. You may be looking to build your team, venture into new markets or seeking...
Green Claims Code
May 25, 2023
Green claims (sometimes called ‘environmental claims’ or ‘eco-friendly claims’) are claims that show how a product, service, brand, or business provides a benefit or is less harmful to the environment.Many businesses use green claims to help market their products or ...
New Online Hub for Food Businesses
May 17, 2023
The new 'Here to Help' hub brings together a range of guides, documentation, and checklists on how to:• set up a food business,• achieve a good food hygiene rating, and• manage allergens to keep customers safe.At a time when new food businesses are fa...
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